Mittwoch, August 01, 2007 A story about a young girl who feels her dream was stolen by someone, but the truth is...NO ONE steal her dream but herself. A nice story...make me think and think and think...and think.....and think again......Too bad that the story is written in Bahasa, and sorry for you guys that can't understand it. Maybe in the near future I'll try to translate it to English. | ------------------------------------------------------------ PENCURI MIMPI Pengarang Tak Dikenal Ada seorang gadis muda yang sangat suka menari. Kepandaiannya menari sangat menonjol dibanding dengan rekan-rekannya, sehingga dia seringkali menjadi juara di berbagai perlombaan yang diadakan. Dia berpikir, dengan apa yang dimilikinya saat ini, suatu saat apabila dewasa nanti dia ingin menjadi penari kelas dunia. Dia membayangkan dirinya menari di Rusia, Cina, Amerika, Jepang, serta ditonton oleh ribuan orang yang memberi tepuk tangan kepadanya. Suatu Hari, dikotanya dikunjungi oleh seorang pakar tari yang berasal dari luar negeri. Pakar ini sangatlah hebat, Dan dari tangan dinginnya telah banyak dilahirkan penari-penari kelas dunia. Gadis muda ini ingin Sekali menari Dan menunjukkan kebolehannya di depan sang pakar tersebut, bahkan jika mungkin memperoleh kesempatan menjadi muridnya. Akhirnya kesempatan itu datang juga. Is gadis muda berhasil menjumpai sang pakar di belakang panggung, seusai sebuah pagelaran tari. Is gadis muda bertanya "Pak, saya ingin sekali menjadi penari kelas dunia. Apakah anda punya waktu sejenak, untuk menilai saya menari? Saya ingin tahu pendapat anda tentang tarian saya". "Oke, menarilah di depan saya selama 10 menit", jawab sang pakar. Belum lagi 10 menit berlalu, sang pakar berdiri dari kursinya, lalu berlalu meninggalkan is gadis muda begitu saja, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah kata pun. Betapa hancur is gadis muda melihat sikap sang pakar. Is gadis langsung berlari keluar. Pulang kerumah, dia langsung menangis tersedu-sedu. Dia menjadi benci terhadap dirinya sendiri. Ternyata tarian yang selama ini dia bangga-banggakan tidak Ada apa-apanya di hadapan sang pakar. Kemudian dia ambil sepatu tarinya, Dan dia lemparkan ke dalam gudang. Sejak saat itu, dia bersumpah tidak pernah lagi menari. Puluhan tahun berlalu. Sang gadis muda kini telah menjadi ibu dengan tiga orang anak. Suaminya telah meninggal. Dan untuk menghidupi keluarganya, dia bekerja menjadi pelayan dari sebuah toko di sudut jalan. Suatu Hari, Ada sebuah pagelaran tari yang diadakan di kota itu. Nampak sang pakar berada di antara para menari muda di belakang panggung. Sang pakar nampak tua, dengan rambutnya yang sudah putih. Is ibu muda dengan tiga anaknya juga datang ke pagelaran tari tersebut. Seusai acara, ibu ini membawa ketiga anaknya ke belakang panggung, mencari sang pakar, Dan memperkenalkan ketiga anaknya kepada sang pakar. Sang pakar masih mengenali ibu muda ini, Dan kemudian mereka bercerita secara akrab. Is ibu bertanya ", Pak, Ada satu pertanyaan yang mengganjal di hati saya. Ini tentang penampilan saya sewaktu menari di hadapan anda bertahun-tahun yang silam. Sebegitu jelekkah penampilan saya saat itu, sehingga anda langsung pergi meninggalkan saya begitu saja, tanpa mengatakan sepatah katapun ?". "Oh ya, saya ingat peristiwanya. Terus terang, saya belum pernah melihat tarian seindah yang kamu lakukan waktu itu. Saya rasa kamu akan menjadi penari kelas dunia. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa kamu tiba-tiba berhenti dari dunia tari?", jawab sang pakar. Is ibu muda sangat terkejut mendengar jawaban sang pakar. "Ini tidak adil", seru is ibu muda. "Sikap anda telah mencuri semua impian saya. Kalau memang tarian saya bagus, mengapa anda meninggalkan saya begitu saja ketika saya baru menari beberapa menit. Anda seharusnya memuji saya, Dan bukan mengacuhkan saya begitu saja. Mestinya saya bisa menjadi penari kelas dunia. Bukan hanya menjadi pelayan toko !". Is pakar menjawab lagi dengan tenang "Tidak...Tidak, saya rasa saya telah berbuat dengan benar. Anda tidak harus minum anggur satu barel untuk mengetahui bahwa anggur itu enak. Demikian juga saya. Saya tidak harus menonton anda 10 menit untuk membuktikan tarian anda bagus. Malam itu saya juga sangat lelah setelah pertunjukkan. Maka sejenak saya meniggalkan anda, untuk mengambil kartu nama saya, Dan berharap anda mau menghubungi saya lagi keesokan Hari. Tapi anda sudah pergi ketika saya keluar. Dan satu hal yang perlu anda camkan, bahwa anda mestinya fokus pada impian anda, bukan pada ucapan atau tindakan saya." Lalu sang pakar itu melanjutkan lagi,"Anda lihat, ini sebenarnya hanyalah masalah sepele. Seandainya anda pada waktu itu tidak menghiraukan apa yang terjadi Dan tetap menari, mungkin Hari ini anda sudah menjadi penari kelas dunia. Jadi, saya tak pernah mencuri impian apapun dari anda. Andalah sendiri yang mencurinya." Labels: nice article Donnerstag, Mai 25, 2006 Fashion models - they're considered the "beautiful people." But alltoo often, they're also the unhappy people. That's what our friend Lindsey explained to us after she had left an enviable position as a model with one of the most prestigious agencies in the world. For example, she told about the eating disorders that plague young women for whom a small weight gain can actually cost them a well-paying job. Lindsey explained how she and others were carefully and critically weighed before every shoot. The gain of a pound or two meant that they didn't qualify anymore. You paid a price to be admired. The professional football players I've known over the years would never be mistaken for a fashion model. But they know the feeling of being accepted and appreciated based on how well they perform. You're as good as your last game, man! A salesman's as good as this week's sales; a student as good as their latest grades. For some, you'll be loved as long as you're loveable, or beautiful, or successful. In many ways, we live in a world where we're loved on the basis of "I love you if..." Maybe you know the feeling of having to perform to feel loved or accepted. You have to meet the expectations. You have to do what they like. And maybe you know what it's like to be set aside, betrayed, discarded, overlooked, all because there were strings on their love. Deep down in the human heart there's a voice that says, "Is there anyone who will love me, no matter what?" Love with strings, love that's conditional, is love you can lose - because things change, and people change. If you're tired of performance love, if you're ready for one love that you will not lose, have I got a story for you! It's a story Jesus told about a young man who literally did everything that would break his father's heart; that would make most any man stop loving him. It's in Luke 15, where we find our word for today from the Word of God - the famous story of the Prodigal Son. This young man asks his father for his share of his estate; he can't wait until his father's dead. He then "set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. He spent everything." He ends up working on a pig farm, an unthinkably defiling job for a Jew. But when, at the end of his rope he returns to his father, having blown everything his father ever gave him, the Bible says, "His father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." According to the Bible, I am that prodigal son, and so are you. We've taken the life and the gifts that our Heavenly Father has given us and we've used them for ourselves, ignoring the purpose He created us for. The Bible calls it sin, with the middle letter saying it all - s "I" n! There's no human reason that a totally holy God would want us in His family. But in spite of all we've done that has broken God's laws and God's heart, He loves us. He loves you. In God's own words, "God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) We couldn't make it home to a sinless God with a lifetime of sin. The only way your sin and mine could be forgiven was for someone to pay the penalty for it, and Someone did. God's Son did. Picture in your mind that awful scene of Jesus on that cross, suspended by three nails, bleeding and dying in anguish. Then say these two words, "For me. He's dying there for every lie I've ever told, every hurt I've ever inflicted, every dirty or selfish thing I've ever done." That's love with no conditions and no strings. We gave Him every reason not love us. But He's running your direction this very day, waiting to throw His arms around you and welcome you into His family. But you have to decide to come home to the God who made you through His Son who died for you. Your sin is forgiven, your heaven is guaranteed, and you're in God's loving arms beginning the moment you say from your heart, "It's not my life anymore, Jesus. I'm Yours." That's when you experience the one love you'll never lose. God's love is the home that your heart's been looking for. The love you can't earn, just accept. The love that will be your soul's one anchor that never moves, and He is waiting for you right now. By Ron Hutchcraft - "When You're Tired of Love With Strings" Donnerstag, Juli 07, 2005 TO FORGIVE - OR NOT ??? "Matthew 5:38-48 (NRSV)" FOR me, driving in traffic is an ongoing challenge to answer God'scall to forgive and be gracious to others. When another driver ignores a yield sign and races to cut me off, I don't always just relax and let the other car go ahead. But when I do, I experience a brief sense of calm satisfaction. When I don't, I am aware of my failure to always "forgive everyone who sins against [me]."
Today devotional is somewhat represent my struggle and my thoughts about driving in a quite-perfect way. I try to overcome the same problem since '99. Sometimes I win..sometimes I lose...but I believe...with God as my Shepherd...always by my side...I will eventually overcome my anger...and be fruitful. Donnerstag, Juni 16, 2005 A new soundtrack for my Blog..hiehiehiehie... "where is she..where is she...where is this beautiful girl..where is she..who's gonna complete my world...." Dienstag, Juni 14, 2005 Finally the wristband from has come to my hand. After waiting for almost 1 month, it arrived. Well...for u guys who haven't buy it, or even heard of it... just click one of the pics above for further information. By the way, I think it's much..much..much..better if u buy some rubber wristband or accesories this way. Than to buy the band from some small stall or accesories shop, coz with this way..we can donate to end poverty, AIDS, etc around the globe. Well..God Bless and peace... Sonntag, Juni 12, 2005 in Shopaholic with the owner My friend (Indah) has just recently open a new Clothes Store called "Shopaholic". I went there this sunday and take a look of it. It only sell woman apparel and accesories. So..for the ladies...don't hesitate to check it out. (red-Indah.. don't forget some fee for me..ok ?? ^_^) Anyway...In my opinion, the store is quite nice. I like the way she decorated it. I like the colour she choose, quite catchy yet not to flashy. And the stuff she sell is quite nice too... I bought some shirt for my sister. Oh yes, one other information...currently the "Shopaholic" having a 20% disc for selected items. So, move fast ladiessss... ^_^
Sonntag, Mai 29, 2005 Toast party at GIA 4M..hohohoho... not bad...after badminton practice at Gading I'm sure get very hungry...heuhuehuehue... and I don't know why..but their toast is tasted very gooood... (maybe, coz I'm very hungry though =p )'s nice to know u guys... c u at some other times.. ^_^ (upper left : Tia Cumi Sister)-(upper right : Kz)-(lower left : ulielz)-(lower right : nopi) Freitag, Mai 27, 2005 My new watch...a souvenir from my father.. He bought it at Suntek Mall Singapore..well.. hope the warranty card also valid here.MAR-300D-1AV Specifications - Regular timekeepingAnalog: 3 hands (Hour, minute, second), 3 dial (date, day, 24-hour) - Accuracy: ±20 seconds per month - Approx. battery life: 2 years on SR621SW - Size of case/total weightMAR-300D : 45.0 X 40.2 X 11.7 mm / 112 gMAR-300L : 45.0 X 40.2 X 11.7 mm / 66 gMAR-300B : 45.0 X 40.2 X 11.7 mm / 70 g Today Olive a.k.a Oliph one of my inTouch friends is resign and going back to her hometown in Medan. So..we (3rd floor and 4th floor inTouch Kedoya) have some small farewell party at Taman Anggrek Mall. After that..while the other back to the, Oliph, Benya, Indah, Riko, and Susido continue our "farewell" party in Time Zone..hohohho... we break the officially lunch hour (12.00-13.00). We get back in the office at 15.00 !!! hueheuhuehue =)) Well..farewell Oliph...gut luck 4 u in the future... =) |
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