
++ IB Cakep ++

Sonntag, Februar 27, 2005

Hang Out in Oh La la with my colleagues.. from 1 o'clock till 3 o'clock in the morning.. huahh.. Jakarta..the city that never sleep..hahaha..

Coffe Latte and Cappucino from Oh La La Café

thought by IB Cakep | 2:21 AM | (0) comment(s)

++ IB Cakep ++

Mittwoch, Februar 23, 2005

Man !!!!! I had a quite night here !!!!!! huahh... I've spent 1 hours yelling at my bez fren !!!!!I got so mad at him..coz he juz decided something without thinking..not even slightest consideration and calculation..!!! My oh my...how cud someone make any decision without that man..I juz can't help thinking bout that.. Ok..ok..I know..every and each person has it's own way..we can't expect that another people always do the same way as ours..but for this..I think I'm right.. we should have always thinking, calculating, predicting, measuring, etc anything before we make some decision bout everything.. so I talked..and talked (loudly)..along the way..trying to make the sense out of him..explaning that I was right.. After I took him to his house..I went to "Orbid" (some Badminton court in Duren Sawit)..My other friends playing there tonight..I tell them bout what happened..and they told me that I was right..BUT..still..I also have my own fault.. YESSS..I believe that too..I owe him an apology.. why ??coz I'ts not approriate to act like I've been act before..maybe my point was right..but the way I make my point was wrong..I knew I was wrong from the first time..I'ts not approriate to yell at your best buddy like that..I juz can't stand not to blurted it out.. It was wrong of me..sorry.. Man..if you reading this..I need to say that I'm really really sorry man..You're juz like a brother to me..that's why I don't wear a "mask" anymore..sorry man.. well..hope this is juz like Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend..so I learn something from you and you learn something from me as well..take care and God Bless...

thought by IB Cakep | 11:15 PM | (0) comment(s)

++ IB Cakep ++

Ayam Bakar + Cumi Goreng Tepung + Sayur asem
(Grilled Chicken + Fried Squid + Sour Soup)
Tahu Goreng + Tempe Goreng
(Fried Tofu + Fried Tempe)
Sambal cobek terasi + Lalapan segar
(Chilli + Fresh Veggie)
Es Teh Tawar
(Ice Tea)
Yummy...yummy..huehuehuheuhuehue.... this pic was taken in one of the Kuring resto in Kebon Jeruk.. we sit on the floor instead of chair.. (called "lesehan") while we eat.. they played some record of gamelan and Javanese gending.. huaaa..very traditional.. very..very sundanese and javanese..hehehehehe..

thought by IB Cakep | 7:10 PM | (0) comment(s)

++ IB Cakep ++

This morning I woke up a little late.. coz last night I got home around 1 am... so it's been a very short night for me.. huahh..I feel so sleepy and tired (I need vacation !!!) Luckily I'm just half an hour late when I make it to the office..coz I take another route to my office.. and drive a little bit mad..hehehe.. juz a little bit..lah..hehe. And know what..I have all my work done yesterday..so.. It's another quite-free-day at the office for me..hiehiehiehie =) Sooo..I spend my day juz browsing the net..searching info bout the latest cellphone.. I think I fall in love with Motorola Razr V3 and S700 ..I don't know which one to choose..well ..If somebody have any Idea what to choose..please tell me so.. I need more and more info..heihiehie.

thought by IB Cakep | 5:15 PM | (0) comment(s)

++ IB Cakep ++

Mittwoch, Februar 16, 2005

My parents...after dinner at Kangsen Porridge Mangga Besar I..
Mom..Dad.. love u guys so much.. I thank the Lord for u guys...

thought by IB Cakep | 11:30 PM | (0) comment(s)

++ IB Cakep ++

Montag, Februar 14, 2005

Valentine Untuk Roy Suryo

Internet, 14 Februari 2005

Sehubungan dengan berbagai komentar KRMT Roy Suryo Notodiprojo akhir-akhir ini di berbagai media, kami, komunitas blog Indonesia berkesimpulan bahwa beliau kekurangan informasi atau bahkan menerima informasi yang tidak benar tentang blog. Kami sendiri memandang bahwa blog adalah hasil dari evolusi bertahun-tahun di Internet, yang semakin menunjukkan bahwa Internet adalah wadah nyata untuk saling menghubungkan orang-orang di dunia nyata.

Kami juga yakin bahwa KRMT Roy Suryo sebagai seorang manusia tentulah sangat membutuhkan kasih sayang dari orang lain. Oleh karena itu, kami, komunitas blog Indonesia pada bulan penuh cinta ini sepakat untuk mendedikasikan hari Valentine tahun 2005 khusus untuk KRMT Roy Suryo Notodiprojo.

Salam hangat selalu serta penuh perhatian dan kasih sayang dari kami untuk KRMT Roy Suryo Notodiprojo di Hari Kasih Sayang ini.


Komunitas Blog Indonesia

ps. Bagi rekan-rekan sesama blogger yang ingin ikut berpartisipasi, silakan lihat
undangan acara ini.

hahahahaha... this is a very nice move from blogger to Roy..hahahahaha... well..did Roy really really know what this mean ??? we're exist man... and guess what..we're tryin to make ourself more exist and last long than expected..hehehehe..

thought by IB Cakep | 12:00 AM | (1) comment(s)

++ IB Cakep ++

Dienstag, Februar 01, 2005

The newest glasses from "Oakley"

and the happy customer

thought by IB Cakep | 1:30 PM | (1) comment(s)

I'm thinking of...

- wandering alone in universe...sailing the sky and reach for the stars.. -

Me, Myself and I

IB Cakep
Jakarta, East Jakarta
Duren Sawit Residence
Computer Graphic Designer
Christ follower

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God, Family, Frenz, Books, Food, Computer, The "NET", Music, Adobe, Corel, GIA, Design, Animation, Blogging, Deutsch Sprechen


sin, lonely, chaos, hypocrite, disturbing behaviour, snob and any other annoying creature

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Casio MAR-300D-1AV
New Job
New Car
Eine Neue Freundin =)


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